Example for creating a custom process in AeroMAPS#

This document aims to show the recommended way to create a custom process (configuration file and custom models) and execute them within AeroMAPS.

Load and process#

First, the user has to load the framework and generate a process.

%matplotlib widget
from aeromaps.core.process import create_process
from aeromaps.core.models import (
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 2
      1 get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'widget')
----> 2 from aeromaps.core.process import create_process
      3 from aeromaps.core.models import (
      4     models_traffic,
      5     models_efficiency_top_down,
      9     models_sustainability,
     10 )

ImportError: cannot import name 'create_process' from 'aeromaps.core.process' (/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aeromaps/core/process.py)

Create a custom model#

Here by default we import several aggregated reference models, such as models_traffic, that contains basic models used in AeroMAPS. Overall, these different aggregated models include 100 basic models. We recommend to keep these default models to not remove any outputs that may be needed by other models. For instance, the models_traffic is a dictionnary structure with keys that are the name of the model and the value an instance of the model:

models_traffic = {
    "rpk_measures": RPKMeasures("rpk_measures"),
    "rpk": RPK("rpk"),
    "rpk_reference": RPKReference("rpk_reference"),
    "total_aircraft_distance": TotalAircraftDistance("total_aircraft_distance"),
    "rtk": RTK("rtk"),
    "rtk_reference": RTKReference("rtk_reference"),
    "ask": ASK("ask")

We create a custom model example MeanDistancePerInhabitantFlyer that is located here, in the file models/mean_distance_per_inhabitant_and_flyer.py. To integrate it in to the AeroMAPS process we propose to import it and to add it to the dictionnary containing the models.

from models.mean_distance_per_inhabitant_and_flyer import MeanDistancePerInhabitantFlyer

extended_models = {
    "models_traffic": models_traffic,
    "models_efficiency_top_down": models_efficiency_top_down,
    "models_energy_without_fuel_effect": models_energy_without_fuel_effect,
    "models_offset": models_offset,
    "models_climate_simple_gwpstar": models_climate_simple_gwpstar,
    "models_sustainability": models_sustainability,
    "mean_distance_per_inhabitant_and_flyer": MeanDistancePerInhabitantFlyer(

This new ensemble of models can be provided to the process.

Create the process#

Here we show how we can use a configuration file with an example here, in the file data_files/config.json. There you can specify the relative path to the different files. For example, you can provide a custom input file with the parameters you want to modify with an example here, in the file data_files/inputs.json.

Be careful, do not forget to set the inputs required by your models, either in the resources/data/parameters.json file if you modify the source code, or directly in the inputs.json file from your configuration file. You can also change the inputs data directly through the code after the creation of the process (see below).

process = create_process(configuration_file="data_files/config.json", models=extended_models)
process.parameters.world_inhabitant_number_reference_years = [2020, 2030, 2040, 2050]
process.parameters.world_inhabitant_number_reference_years_values = [
]  # Assumption based on the 2022 Revision of World Population Prospects from the United Nations
process.parameters.inhabitant_flyer_share_reference_years = [2020, 2030, 2040, 2050]
process.parameters.inhabitant_flyer_share_reference_years_values = [
]  # Assumption based on a linear increase from Gossling and Humpe (2020) value


Once all the parameters have been set up, the user can compute.



The user can then display the results. The user has access to float outputs but also to annual data outputs, with the possibility of choosing the output.

process.data["vector_outputs"][["mean_distance_per_inhabitant", "mean_distance_per_flyer"]]
mean_distance_per_inhabitant mean_distance_per_flyer
2000 NaN NaN
2001 NaN NaN
2002 NaN NaN
2003 NaN NaN
2004 NaN NaN
2005 NaN NaN
2006 NaN NaN
2007 NaN NaN
2008 NaN NaN
2009 NaN NaN
2010 NaN NaN
2011 NaN NaN
2012 NaN NaN
2013 NaN NaN
2014 NaN NaN
2015 NaN NaN
2016 NaN NaN
2017 NaN NaN
2018 NaN NaN
2019 NaN NaN
2020 378.363457 3439.667789
2021 556.936124 4928.638269
2022 732.331230 6313.200263
2023 904.632840 7601.956642
2024 1073.922080 8802.640001
2025 1096.554147 8772.433178
2026 1119.747256 8748.025439
2027 1143.515325 8729.124616
2028 1167.872641 8715.467471
2029 1192.833873 8706.816590
2030 1218.414078 8702.957697
2031 1245.499417 8709.786131
2032 1273.259321 8720.954250
2033 1301.710914 8736.314857
2034 1330.871773 8755.735349
2035 1360.759940 8779.096388
2036 1391.393933 8806.290717
2037 1422.792760 8837.222111
2038 1454.975930 8871.804451
2039 1487.963469 8909.960893
2040 1521.775932 8951.623130
2041 1558.445053 9008.352905
2042 1596.050197 9068.467031
2043 1634.615843 9131.932086
2044 1674.167120 9198.720440
2045 1714.729828 9268.809883
2046 1756.330457 9342.183283
2047 1798.996204 9418.828294
2048 1842.754993 9498.737076
2049 1887.635493 9581.906057
2050 1933.667142 9668.335710