
Main reference#

Please cite this article when using AeroMAPS in your research works:

Planès, T., Delbecq, S., Salgas, A. (2023). AeroMAPS: a framework for performing multidisciplinary assessment of prospective scenarios for air transport. Submitted to Journal of Open Aviation Science.

    title={AeroMAPS: a framework for performing multidisciplinary assessment of prospective scenarios for air transport},
    author={Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Delbecq, Scott and Salgas, Antoine},
    journal={Submitted to Journal of Open Aviation Science},

Other references#

To refer to specific methods or models of AeroMAPS, you can cite the following references:

  • Publication dedicated to initial methods and models: Planès, T., Delbecq, S., Pommier-Budinger, V., and Bénard, E. (2021). Simulation and evaluation of sustainable climate trajectories for aviation. Journal of Environmental Management, 295, 113079.

    title={Simulation and evaluation of sustainable climate trajectories for aviation},
    author={Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Delbecq, Scott and Pommier-Budinger, Val{\'e}rie and B{\'e}nard, Emmanuel},
    journal={Journal of Environmental Management},
  • Publication dedicated to the description of main methods and models (in French): Planès, T. (2022). Du dimensionnement de systèmes et d’architectures en conception avion à la simulation de scénarios prospectifs durables pour le transport aérien. Ph.D. Thesis. Université de Toulouse, Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace.

  title={Du dimensionnement de syst{\`e}mes et d'architectures en conception avion {\`a} la simulation de sc{\'e}narios prospectifs durables pour le transport a{\'e}rien},
  author={Plan{\`e}s, Thomas},
  school={{Université de Toulouse, Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace}},
  • Publication dedicated to aircraft fleet models: Delbecq, S., Planès, T., Delavenne, M., Pommier-Budinger, V., and Joksimovic, A. (2022). Aircraft fleet models using a bottom-up approach for simulating aviation technological prospective scenarios. In 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences.

    title={Aircraft fleet models using a bottom-up approach for simulating aviation technological prospective scenarios},
    author={Delbecq, Scott and Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Delavenne, Martin and Pommier-Budinger, Val{\'e}rie and Joksimovi{\'c}, Aleksandar},
    booktitle={33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences},
  • Publication dedicated to cost models for low-carbon fuels: Salgas, A., Planès, T., Delbecq, S., and Lafforgue, G. (2023). Cost estimation of the use of low-carbon fuels in prospective scenarios for air transport. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum.

    title={Cost estimation of the use of low-carbon fuels in prospective scenarios for air transport},
    author={Salgas, Antoine and Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Delbecq, Scott and Simatos, Florian and Lafforgue, Gilles},
    booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum},
  • Publication dedicated to direct operating cost model recalibration: Salgas, A., Delbecq, S., Planès, T., Lafforgue, G. (2023). Top Level Aircraft Requirements relaxation for a single-aisle aircraft: a case study on fleet-wide CO2 emissions and economic impacts. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum.

    title={Top Level Aircraft Requirements relaxation for a single-aisle aircraft: a case study on fleet-wide CO2 emissions and economic impacts.},
    author={Salgas, Antoine and Delbecq, Scott and Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Lafforgue, Gilles},
    booktitle={AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum},
  • Publication dedicated to other cost models: Salgas, A., Delbecq, S., Planès, T., Lafforgue, G. and Jézégou, J. (2023). Modelling and simulation of new regulatory measures for prospective scenarios for air transport. In Aerospace Europe Conference.

    title={Modelling and simulation of new regulatory measures in prospective scenarios for air transport},
    author={Salgas, Antoine and Delbecq, Scott and Plan{\`e}s, Thomas and Lafforgue, Gilles and Jézégou, Joël},
    booktitle={Aerospace Europe Conference},